Wednesday, September 18, 2013

pre Halloween look #3 (dead girl)

This look was so fun to do and thank you to my new model Maria for allowing me to do whatever to your face

Halloween pre makeup mermaid look #1 & #2

Hello lovely's, so I've decided that I absolutely suck at blogging but do love to post my work up and share with everyone. So from now on I'll be posting a lot of my makeup pictures and most likely other fun shit to do with "beauty"

Monday, June 24, 2013

advocare sleep works review

on 6/22/13 my cousin had given me a sample of Advocare sleep works liquid vitamin & herbal supplement lavender spearmint flavoured natural sleep aid to test out. First off it smells amazing, kind of like aroma therapy. Second off this stuff works amazingly! I have insomnia ever since I was a child and on a normal base without any kind of sleep aid medication I can go a day or two without sleep. I have tried lots of different medication to help me and most of them work for the first night or will help me fall asleep but never keep me asleep for longer then an hour or so. Last night I drank this little miracle worker and within 5minutes I instantly started feeling drowsy, and then after about 30minutes I was out cold. For the first time in what seems like years I was able to sleep 9 beautiful hours of uninterrupted sleep. Once I woke up I felt overly refreshed and didn't feel as if I had gotten hit by a large truck. Soon I will post a link of how much this product cost and where you can buy it. Here is a link where you can buy Sleep works